Monday, April 18, 2011

Vote Canada

In just two weeks we are having yet another election. You may be thinking what is the point? I don't like my options. I'm just not interested. Well, get interested. This is a privilege which we Canadians have and many around the world do not have. I made this symbol today on picnik.
Enough of the soapbox. In other news, I've discovered pinterest. It's a place to gather all your inspirational photos and ideas that you've come across in your internet searches. There are so many amazing pics to get your creativity going. I'll have to restrain myself from spending too much time here

Also, I've been inspired by spring. It's time to spruce up this tiny basement suite. I went out and bought some bright and cheery fabric to cover some old pillow forms I had lying around the house (or stuffed under my Tobin's bed). It is so satisfying to start and finish a project in an hour. I made simple envelope style pillow covers and I think they look bea-u-tiful!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Diary of a Temporary Single Mom-Day 4

Time seems to be flying by, which is a good thing. Right? Day 1 was one of my toughest days yet. I'll spare you some of the details, but it did contain a lot of screaming and whining, me watching 3 other toddlers, a kid missing his daddy like crazy, a slight fever, a runny nose and no nap. I was able to lean on a couple of friends and talk to my Mom on the phone. I did make it through though with only a few tears of hopeless frustration shed. I knew that this was totally a flukey day and that Monday would be much better.

I was right. Monday was wonderful. With a sick little boy, the key is to be flexible. He loves to be outside and active, but when he's sick, he needs to do it at his own pace without Mommy's agenda shaping the day too much. We spent the morning at the park and met many other kids his age there. He is such an extrovert (he gets it from his father). He is at the stage where his imagination is really taking off too. He can come up with the most interesting stories. Tobin cracks me up sometimes. After the park, we went back home to pick up our new stroller and head out to the grocery store to get chocolate syrup for a special treat of chocolate milk. After we completed that task, we stopped off at Blockbuster to rent a couple of movies. Tobin wanted Sreck 2 and I picked out one of my favourite childhood movies, Mary Poppins.

Very appropriate since Daddy is in England. =)

Tuesday took us to the Vancouver aquarium where Tobin found Nemo.

Outside the aquarium, he found a skunk. Don't worry, we kept our distance.

Once again there was no nap in his day, but we kept the fun going. Mommy is now getting the hang of wrestling and we have lots of fun and giggley times.

Wednesday is a daycare day. It is supposed to give me the time to work on my sewing business. However, being a single parent takes a lot of time and energy. So today was dedicated to groceries, running errands (which take way longer on foot) and taking a breather. It's hard for me to use one of my precious "days off" to take it easy. I'm still trying to convince myself that I wasn't being lazy or selfish. The sensible part of me knows that I need to restore myself for the weekend ahead. Yes, that is only fair to myself and to Tobin.

Well, tomorrow should be a good one. I have some girls coming over tomorrow evening for dinner and a movie. I have some new fabric that is crying out to be sewn into great camera straps. Oh happy day!

More to come,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Diary of a Temporary Single Mom

I got this idea from another blogger at Chickpea Sewing Studio and I think it will help me get through the next two weeks. Plus, as my hubby is my only reader, he gets updates on how we're doing here in Vancouver.

Now that the volcanic ash has settled, Kris's work trip to the UK is on again. We tried to explain all week that Daddy was going on a trip, and even on the way to the airport and at the gate Tobin didn't understand what was happening. It was after the last hug and we when we went our separate ways did Tobin ask "Where Daddy going?" I told him Daddy is going to England. Tobin replied "Me go England toooooo." Our friend Andrew drove us to and from the airport and all the way home Tobin asked "Where Daddy?" Yes, every two minutes. My thought - Oh boy, this could be a looooong two weeks.

Kris is a great dad and in preparation for this trip, he made several videos for Tobin. These videos range from a good morning message to a night night routine to wrestling with Tobin on his big boy bed. We watched these as soon as we got home and the smile never left my little boy's face. He loves his Daddy very much. The videos were a huge help. Thanks Hon! He went to bed just fine for me even though daddy usually does the bedtime routine.

Here are a few shots of the lazy morning we had for our last full day together as a family.

Don't you love Tobin's bed head? He is sitting on the window ledge to see the garbage trucks go by.

I've spiced up Fridays at our house by making them "Funny Face Food Fridays" Which explains the breakfast we had.

Here is Tobin at the aquarium. This will definitely be one of our outings while Kris is gone.

Well, I should sign off now, but I will be back to update my diary of a temporary single mom.

More to come

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tour of the new house

So as promised, I snapped some shots of the new place this morning before Tobin woke up. {Warning} I am in no way a great photographer and I had to use my husband's fancy shmancy DSLR instead of my point and shoot which is in Tobin's room. So, some are out of focus or have the wrong depth of field or something technical like that, but here is the house...

Dining area (There was a totally dark corner here in the DR, so Kris and I added this light fixture)


Tobin''s play area

Living room


Master bedroom (it looks very plain and unfinished, I know. I was also the best shot I could get from this teeny tiny room)

Sewing nook (a bit of a mess and not decorated or organized yet)

So, that's where we're at after living here for one month. I think I am liking it. After taking these pictures, I noticed that I am totally on a green scheme. Oh well, it's just temporary. This is not our forever house and as my budget allows, I can change things up a bit.

Pictures of Tobin - he is, after all, an important part of this house =)

More to come...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's been a while

I'm back!

Has it really been two months? Well, a lot has changed in that time. We've moved.(pictures to come)

We had a great space in the old house. It was a new condo, very large by Vancouver standards, stainless steel appliances, dark hardwood floors, great location. With all this going for it we still needed to move. You see, it was a poorly insulated condo so noise travelled easily. With a toddler who loved to run and a very grumpy neighbour below us, I was getting an ulcer. Plus it was so unfair to Tobin to be constantly shushing him. We decided to look for a garden suite of a house and look for something quite a bit cheaper too.

.....Fast forward daily searches on Craigslist and weekly open house visits......

We found a great place for the family to call home. It's a garden suite of a one hundred year old house that has been redone top to bottom. We are close to funky shops on Main street and two blocks from the "Awesome Park" as named by Tobin.

Since we moved to a cheaper place, we could now afford childcare. Tobin started daycare yesterday and he handled it beautifully. He didn't even fuss when I gave him a hug and kiss and walked out the door. I was so lucky to find this mom starting a daycare and wanting to take another 2 year old boy in addition to her 3 year old. Most daycares require you to be on a waiting list for a year or more and a lot of moms wanting to go back to work have to go with a nanny.

"Wait a minute!?!", you say. "You don't work, why do you need daycare?" Well, true, I don't work as a dental hygienist right now, but having Tobin in daycare two days a week allows me to try something new. Kris and I were brainstorming a while back on my working situation. He suggested that I do something I love, something that gives me energy and restores me. I have been finding that in my sewing lately. While Tobin was in daycare, I got to work on my prototype. There are lots of craft markets here in Vancouver, so I'm going to give this a go.

I've seen these straps around blogland, but have never seen anyone wearing one here in Vancouver. Do you think anyone would buy these?

More to come,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to Normal

Well, it's been a while since I've updated this blog. My excuse? Ummm... My city was taken over by the world?!? Yes, that's right, I live in Vancouver, BC and it is now March 1st and I survived the Olympics! Don't get me wrong, my husband, Tobin and I got out and enjoyed the celebration, but it's nice to have things back to normal. No more hour plus line ups for transit, no more fire boomies (the name Tobin gave to fireworks) keeping us up til 11:30, no more rec centre closures and no more crowds.

Here are some pictures of us at a China Russia women's hockey game. The crowd was totally into it and it was great hockey to watch. Oh yeah, and we had awesome seats - front row!

My little sister, Kate, came to stay with us from Ontario. She is a big sports fan and she looks just like me.

Here is a shot of the new found patriotism Canada was showing at a curling match. Canada beat the USA =)

Tomorrow is my anniversary. Eight years. Not typically a big anniversary to celebrate, but my hubby does have something planned. Plus, I think eight years is totally worth celebrating. I'll let you know how it turns out.

More to come,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Golden day

What a great day! It has been a gorgeous, sunny day and there is so much to do in this city. Here are a few pictures to show the fun we've been having.
Here is Tobin dancing it up at the BC Hydro site. The dance floor creates electricity. The more you move, the more power is generated. A perfect way to tire out a toddler. =)

Then relaxing with a snack and watching a native drum/dance group. They were teaching others how to do their dance moves.

Right behind the native group, we watched the Olympic mascots on ice. Here is Quatchi playing hockey.

Lots more adventures to come as my sister will be flying into Vancouver tomorrow. Can't wait! Oh, that's not all that made this day so great. I got to watch Maelle Ricker win a GOLD medal for Canada in snowboard cross. Wooo Hooo! (Here is a terrible picture that I took of my TV at the flower ceremony after her race).

Now off to make pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. Enjoy your pancakes everyone.