Time seems to be flying by, which is a good thing. Right? Day 1 was one of my toughest days yet. I'll spare you some of the details, but it did contain a lot of screaming and whining, me watching 3 other toddlers, a kid missing his daddy like crazy, a slight fever, a runny nose and
no nap. I was able to lean on a couple of friends and talk to my Mom on the phone. I did make it through though with only a few tears of hopeless frustration shed. I knew that this was totally a flukey day and that Monday would be much better.
I was right. Monday was wonderful. With a sick little boy, the key is to be flexible. He loves to be outside and active, but when he's sick, he needs to do it at his own pace without Mommy's agenda shaping the day too much. We spent the morning at the park and met many other kids his age there. He is such an extrovert (he gets it from his father). He is at the stage where his imagination is really taking off too. He can come up with the most interesting stories. Tobin cracks me up sometimes. After the park, we went back home to pick up our new stroller and head out to the grocery store to get chocolate syrup for a special treat of chocolate milk. After we completed that task, we stopped off at Blockbuster to rent a couple of movies. Tobin wanted Sreck 2 and I picked out one of my favourite childhood movies, Mary Poppins.
Very appropriate since Daddy is in England. =)
Tuesday took us to the Vancouver aquarium where Tobin found Nemo.
Outside the aquarium, he found a skunk. Don't worry, we kept our distance.
Once again there was no nap in his day, but we kept the fun going. Mommy is now getting the hang of wrestling and we have lots of fun and giggley times.
Wednesday is a daycare day. It is supposed to give me the time to work on my sewing business. However, being a single parent takes a lot of time and energy. So today was dedicated to groceries, running errands (which take way longer on foot) and taking a breather. It's hard for me to use one of my precious "days off" to take it easy. I'm still trying to convince myself that I wasn't being lazy or selfish. The sensible part of me knows that I need to restore myself for the weekend ahead. Yes, that is only fair to myself and to Tobin.
Well, tomorrow should be a good one. I have some girls coming over tomorrow evening for dinner and a movie. I have some new fabric that is crying out to be sewn into great camera straps. Oh happy day!
More to come,