Monday, May 3, 2010

Tour of the new house

So as promised, I snapped some shots of the new place this morning before Tobin woke up. {Warning} I am in no way a great photographer and I had to use my husband's fancy shmancy DSLR instead of my point and shoot which is in Tobin's room. So, some are out of focus or have the wrong depth of field or something technical like that, but here is the house...

Dining area (There was a totally dark corner here in the DR, so Kris and I added this light fixture)


Tobin''s play area

Living room


Master bedroom (it looks very plain and unfinished, I know. I was also the best shot I could get from this teeny tiny room)

Sewing nook (a bit of a mess and not decorated or organized yet)

So, that's where we're at after living here for one month. I think I am liking it. After taking these pictures, I noticed that I am totally on a green scheme. Oh well, it's just temporary. This is not our forever house and as my budget allows, I can change things up a bit.

Pictures of Tobin - he is, after all, an important part of this house =)

More to come...

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