Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Golden day

What a great day! It has been a gorgeous, sunny day and there is so much to do in this city. Here are a few pictures to show the fun we've been having.
Here is Tobin dancing it up at the BC Hydro site. The dance floor creates electricity. The more you move, the more power is generated. A perfect way to tire out a toddler. =)

Then relaxing with a snack and watching a native drum/dance group. They were teaching others how to do their dance moves.

Right behind the native group, we watched the Olympic mascots on ice. Here is Quatchi playing hockey.

Lots more adventures to come as my sister will be flying into Vancouver tomorrow. Can't wait! Oh, that's not all that made this day so great. I got to watch Maelle Ricker win a GOLD medal for Canada in snowboard cross. Wooo Hooo! (Here is a terrible picture that I took of my TV at the flower ceremony after her race).

Now off to make pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. Enjoy your pancakes everyone.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Well done Canada! I give you 2 thumbs up for the opening ceremonies. Let the games begin!

Enjoy the games everyone =)

Welcoming the world to Vancouver

I just returned from Granville Island where Tobin and I watched the Olympic torch being passed off. Unfortunately, my camera was out of charge, but it looked something like this (thanks to Google images)

Tobin did really well waiting and waiting some more. We have taught him how to cheer when he waves a Canada flag, and he was full of spirit when he saw the stick with fire. "YAAAAAAY CANDA" is how it comes out =)

Here we are this morning in front of city hall sporting our cheer gear.

This was my second time seeing the torch relay. The first was a very cold morning in Kitchener, Ontario in 1988. Yup, my mom let us three girls skip school for the morning to watch this momentous occasion. Other than the cold, I don't remember much from 1988 - I was only in grade two, but it was really amazing to be surrounded by others all cheering for our country. I felt the same way about today and I'm sure it will continue as we host this world event in our city.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time for me

This week my husband started a new job. I am so happy for him. He thrives when he is working with people. His previous job, fell short in many ways, but especially in connecting, communicating and friendships. But this new job, wow! Kris has already been taken out for lunch, been paired with an "amigo" (like a buddy to show you the ropes), and is going to the group social tonight. So great for him! But what about me?

I am definitely an introvert by nature. I recharge by having some quiet alone time. Yes, I still enjoy having friends over, entertaining in my home, having play dates with other moms. When I'm spent though, I crave quiet. This is what I'm getting today during nap time. I'm blogging my thoughts, with a little decor TV in the background. A big mug of Chai latte and a chocolate cupcake. Ahhhh, I can feel the stress leaving already. Maybe I'll even get a bit of sewing done - no pressure though.

Speaking of design shows, I'm very excited to see that Sarah's House will have new episodes starting in March! (This show is on HGTV in Canada) I love her designs. So simple and fresh, sophisticated, yet girly. I can hardly wait to get out of the rental stage and decorate my own place. I'll leave you with some drool worthy images from the last 2 seasons of Sarah's House.

For more on Sarah visit www.sarahrichardsondesign.com/


Monday, February 8, 2010

So far so good

If anyone else is reading this, you'll be happy to know that I don' t believe in posts without pictures. Isn't it fantastic when you see the first signs of spring?

Since the new year, my husband and I have instituted some new rituals around here. We have set up date night. I know, I know, how original! Well, we used to find things we really wanted to go out and do, but then we would scramble to find a sitter. Without our parents around to just offer to take Tobin so we can reconnect, it actually takes some work. Being new to this province, meant that our sitter selection was on the low side.

We now have a standing date every other Friday night and the same sitter. It makes life so much easier (for us and for the sitter).

The hubby and I have had three dates now - and so far so good! We made our own version of the best of Vancouver. We had a progressive supper where we ate one course of a meal at each restaurant we have been meaning to try. Another night we went with friends to a charitable dinner with a fixed menu. The proceeds went to the food bank. This last Friday, we took in some theatre at the PUSH festival that is on right now.

This has been the best thing for us! Great time together and no stress for finding a sitter. I highly recommend it.

Anyone else have suggestions for great date night ideas? Let me hear them.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My first post - ch ch ch changes

David Bowie flash back anyone???

Well, I've been following posts for a while now. Almost two years to be exact. I started when I had a newborn son. I found myself tied to the couch a lot. A LOT.

This is my beautiful, 22 month old, smart, makes me so proud, son, Tobin. (Yikes! Comma overload. I will confess now that I suck at writing.)

I discovered a whole new world through blog reading. I could escape the feedings and diaper changes and see how other moms do it -Live life that is. I could learn new cooking techniques and new recipes, go along for the ride as someone else redecorates their house, or even learn a new hobby. So, as we head into a new year and a bunch of new beginnings, I thought I'd try blogging. It seems to work well for so many others. I think it will help me stay accountable to myself and the promises I make.

There have been heaps of changes for me and my family in the past year. We moved from the small suburban city of Waterloo, Ontario where we had a large 3 bedroom house and 2 cars. Where I was in the dental field and my husband in ministry. Where we had both grown up. Where our families lived - helpful, caring families. Yes, we left all that behind and moved across the country to Vancouver, BC. Living in a small condo in an unfamiliar urban city, we gave up cars and are dependant on transit. We both have different working roles. We had to start from scratch finding a new church, new friends, community, doctor, grocery, etc. etc.

My life looks so different now - and, yet, I think I want it to keep changing. Yikes! Did I just say I want MORE change? Change is the hardest thing for me. I resist change most of the time. But, I have grown in this year. And I have ideas of how I want my life to look for the next year. Yes, things have been difficult, the homesickness overwhelming at times. I've had to learn to live in a place where the cost of living is high. Seriously high. Like makes my stomach turn paying for rent and groceries kind of high. And the frustrations of motherhood (It's a great job, it's just never ending). So, will you join me on this journey? I can't promise 5 posts a week (I am a mom of a toddler after all). Come and see how things are changing. How I change. How I can make this life better for Me and Tobin.

More to come,