Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time for me

This week my husband started a new job. I am so happy for him. He thrives when he is working with people. His previous job, fell short in many ways, but especially in connecting, communicating and friendships. But this new job, wow! Kris has already been taken out for lunch, been paired with an "amigo" (like a buddy to show you the ropes), and is going to the group social tonight. So great for him! But what about me?

I am definitely an introvert by nature. I recharge by having some quiet alone time. Yes, I still enjoy having friends over, entertaining in my home, having play dates with other moms. When I'm spent though, I crave quiet. This is what I'm getting today during nap time. I'm blogging my thoughts, with a little decor TV in the background. A big mug of Chai latte and a chocolate cupcake. Ahhhh, I can feel the stress leaving already. Maybe I'll even get a bit of sewing done - no pressure though.

Speaking of design shows, I'm very excited to see that Sarah's House will have new episodes starting in March! (This show is on HGTV in Canada) I love her designs. So simple and fresh, sophisticated, yet girly. I can hardly wait to get out of the rental stage and decorate my own place. I'll leave you with some drool worthy images from the last 2 seasons of Sarah's House.

For more on Sarah visit


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